Field Name | Field Description | Data Type |
FIPS_STATE | The two-digit FIPS STATE code(KEY CONSTRAINT) | varchar |
FIPS_LEAID | LEA (district) NameKEY CONSTRAINT) | varchar |
FIPS_SCHOOLID | Five digit NCES LEA code. Private schools are tagged with LEAID '99999'KEY CONSTRAINT) | varchar |
SCHOOLNAME | Name of the School | varchar |
ADDRESSSTREET | Location street address | varchar |
ADDRESSCITY | Location city | varchar |
ADDRESSSTATE | Location state | varchar |
ADDRESSZIP | Location zip code | varchar |
ADDRESSZIP4 | Location zip-4 | varchar |
FIPS_COUNTY | 5 digit FIPS County code | varchar |
ADDRESSLATITUDE | Street Address Latitude | float |
ADDRESSLONGITUDE | Street Address Longitude | float |
SCHOOLLOWGRADESERVED | Low grade served in school | varchar |
SCHOOLHIGHGRADESERVED | High grade served in school | varchar |
SCHOOLISPRIVATE | Boolean to signify that this school is a private or public | bool |
PRIVATEAFFILIATIONID | Affiliation code associated with private school | number |
PRIVATEAFFILIATIONDESCRIPTION | The private school affiliate description (e.g. Catholic) | varchar |
NCES_PRIVATESCHOOLID | NCES private school code | varchar |
SCHOOLLEVEL | School level (1 = Elementary 2 = Middle 3 = High) | varchar |
MAGNET | Magnet school bool(true/false/null) | bool |
CHARTER | Charter school bool(true/false/null) | bool |
VIRTUAL | Virtual school bool(true/false/null) | bool |
SCHOOLWEBSITEURL | URL of the school or district website | varchar |
PHONE | Phone number | varchar |
ISCLOSED | Boolean to signify that this school is listed as closed by the NCES. Archived entities are kept for referential integrity for old test scores and rankings | bool |
ARCHIVED | Boolean to signify if this LEA or school is archived. Archived entities are kept for referential integrity for old test scores and rankings. | bool |
LEANAME | LEA (district) Name | varchar |
YEARSCHOOLCOUNT | School year for attribute (2020 = 2019-20) | number |
ASIANSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of Asian students (no value means redacted) | number |
BLACKSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of Black non-Hispanic students (no value means redacted) | number |
HISPANICSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of Hispanic students (no value means redacted) | number |
INDIANSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of American Indian/Alaska Native students (no value means redacted) | number |
PACIFICSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander students (no value means redacted) | number |
TWOORMORERACESCOUNT | Count of students with Two or More Races (no value means redacted) | number |
WHITESTUDENTCOUNT | Count of White students (no value means redacted) | number |
STUDENTTEACHERATIO | Total Student membership/Full-Time-Equivalent teachers (no value means redacted) | number |
FREEORREDUCEDLUNCHCOUNT | Count of Students Receiving Free or Discounted Lunch (no value means redacted) | number |
TOTALSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of All students (no value means redacted). Note: For private schools, the total student count may include pre-kindergarten (PK) students, who are often not counted in reports detailing the school's ethnic diversity. | number |
YEARSCHOOLRANK | School Rank year (2014 = 2013-14) | number |
SCHOOLAVERAGESTANDARDSCORE | Average Standard Score calculated | number |
SCHOOLRANK | Statewide rank (1 = 1st place) | number |
SCHOOLRANKOF | Total number ranked for this year | number |
SCHOOLNUMSTARS | A 0-5 star ranking | number |
YEARTESTSCORES | School test year for school year that ranked 1 (2014 = 2013-14) | number |
TESTSCORETESTID | Test ID | number |
TESTSCORESUBJECTID | Subject ID | number |
TESTSCORETESTNAME | State test system name | varchar |
TESTSCORESUBJECTNAME | Subject Name | varchar |
TESTSCOREGRADEID | Grade ID | number |
TESTSCOREGRADE | Grade Description | varchar |
TESTSCORESTUDENTSTESTED | Number of students tested | number |
TESTSCORESTUDENTSELIGIBLE | Number of students eligible for testing | number |
TESTSCOREPERCENTMETSTANDARD | Percent of Students That Met the State Standard | number |
TESTSCORECOUNTMETSTANDARD | Count of Students That Met the State Standard | number |
TESTSCOREMODIFIEDPERCENTMETSTANDARD | Percent Met Standard accommodating for states that only supply ranges. Almost always the same as PercentMetStandard unless there's a range being specified (i.e. > 95.0 or < 5.0) | varchar |
TESTSCOREPERCENTLEVEL1 | Percent Performing at Level 1. Description of the Test Performance Level 1. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed proficient or better by the state. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed an advanced proficiency by the state. | varchar |
TESTSCOREPERCENTLEVEL2 | Percent Performing at Level 2. Description of the Test Performance Level 2. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed proficient or better by the state. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed an advanced proficiency by the state. | varchar |
TESTSCOREPERCENTLEVEL3 | Percent Performing at Level 3. Description of the Test Performance Level 3. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed proficient or better by the state. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed an advanced proficiency by the state. | varchar |
TESTSCOREPERCENTLEVEL4 | Percent Performing at Level 4. Description of the Test Performance Level 4. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed proficient or better by the state. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed an advanced proficiency by the state. | varchar |
TESTSCOREPERCENTLEVEL5 | Percent Performing at Level 5. Description of the Test Performance Level 5. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed proficient or better by the state. Boolean to signify that this test score level is deemed an advanced proficiency by the state. | varchar |
TESTSCORECOUNTLEVEL1 | Count of Students Performing at Level 1. | number |
TESTSCORECOUNTLEVEL2 | Count of Students Performing at Level 2. | number |
TESTSCORECOUNTLEVEL3 | Count of Students Performing at Level 3. | number |
TESTSCORECOUNTLEVEL4 | Count of Students Performing at Level 4. | number |
TESTSCORECOUNTLEVEL5 | Count of Students Performing at Level 5. | number |
Hashvalue | Record hash value, updated hashvalue indicates if the record changed | varchar |
ModificationTimestamp | When the record was updated | DateTime |
Field Name | Field Description | Data Type |
FIPS_STATE | The two-digit FIPS STATE code | varchar |
FIPS_LEAID | Five digit NCES LEA code. Private schools are tagged with LEAID '99999' | varchar |
FIPS_SCHOOLID | Five digit NCES SCHOOL code | varchar |
SCHOOLNAME | Name of the School | varchar |
ADDRESSSTREET | Location street address | varchar |
ADDRESSCITY | Location city | varchar |
ADDRESSSTATE | Location State | varchar |
ADDRESSZIP | Location Zip Code | varchar |
ADDRESSZIP4 | Location Zip Code plus 4 | varchar |
FIPS_COUNTY | 5 digit FIPS County code | varchar |
ADDRESSLATITUDE | Street Address Latitude | float |
ADDRESSLONGITUDE | Street Address Longitude | float |
SCHOOLLOWGRADESERVED | Low grade served | varchar |
SCHOOLHIGHGRADESERVED | High grade served | varchar |
SCHOOLISPRIVATE | Boolean to signify that this school is a private or public | bool |
PRIVATEAFFILIATIONID | Affiliation code associated with private school | number |
PRIVATEAFFILIATIONDESCRIPTION | The private school affiliate description (e.g. Catholic) | varchar |
NCES_PRIVATESCHOOLID | NCES private school code | varchar |
SCHOOLLEVEL | Level ID (Elementary Middle High Other Private) | varchar |
MAGNET | Magnet school flag | bool |
CHARTER | Charter school flag | bool |
VIRTUAL | Virtual school flag | bool |
SCHOOLWEBSITEURL | URL of the school or district website | varchar |
PHONE | Phone number | varchar |
ISCLOSED | Boolean to signify that this school is listed as closed by the NCES. Archived entities are kept for referential integrity for old test scores and rankings | bool |
ARCHIVED | Boolean to signify if this LEA or school is archived. Archived entities are kept for referential integrity for old test scores and rankings. | bool |
LEANAME | LEA (district) Name | varchar |
YEARSCHOOLCOUNT | School year (2020 = 2019-20) for Yearly attributes of each school (student body count and ethnicity, student/teacher ratio and free/reduced lunch count). | number |
ASIANSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of Asian students (no value means redacted) | number |
BLACKSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of Black non-Hispanic students (no value means redacted) | number |
HISPANICSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of Hispanic students (no value means redacted) | number |
INDIANSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of American Indian/Alaska Native students (no value means redacted) | number |
PACIFICSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander students (no value means redacted) | number |
TWOORMORERACESCOUNT | Count of students with Two or More Races (no value means redacted) | number |
WHITESTUDENTCOUNT | Count of White students (no value means redacted) | number |
STUDENTTEACHERATIO | Total Student membership/Full-Time-Equivalent teachers (no value means redacted) | number |
FREEORREDUCEDLUNCHCOUNT | Count of Students Receiving Free or Discounted Lunch (no value means redacted) | number |
TOTALSTUDENTCOUNT | Count of All students (no value means redacted). Note: For private schools, the total student count may include pre-kindergarten (PK) students, who are often not counted in reports detailing the school's ethnic diversity. | number |
YEARSCHOOLRANK | School rank year (2014 = 2013-14) | number |
SCHOOLAVERAGESTANDARDSCORE | Average Standard Score calculated | varchar |
YEARSPENDING | Spending per Pupil Year | number |
YEARGRADUATION | graduation school year (2020 = 2019-20) | number |
GRADUATIONRATE | Percent of Students who graduated with a diploma in four years | number |
SOURCENUMSTARS1 | A 1 star ranking applied by SOURCE based on rank | number |
SOURCENUMSTARS2 | A 2 star ranking applied by SOURCE based on rank | number |
SOURCENUMSTARS3 | A 3 star ranking applied by SOURCE based on rank | number |
SOURCENUMSTARS4 | A 4 star ranking applied by SOURCE based on rank | number |
AVERAGESTANDARDSCORE1 | Average Standard Score calculated that ranked 1 | varchar |
AVERAGESTANDARDSCORE2 | Average Standard Score calculated that ranked 2 | varchar |
AVERAGESTANDARDSCORE3 | Average Standard Score calculated that ranked 3 | varchar |
AVERAGESTANDARDSCORE4 | Average Standard Score calculated that ranked 4 | varchar |
SOURCERANK1 | Statewide rank 1 | number |
SOURCERANK2 | Statewide rank 2 | number |
SOURCERANK3 | Statewide rank 3 | number |
SOURCERANK4 | Statewide rank 4 | number |
SOURCERANKOF1 | Total number ranked 1 for this year | number |
SOURCERANKOF2 | Total number ranked 2 for this year | number |
SOURCERANKOF3 | Total number ranked 3 for this year | number |
SOURCERANKOF4 | Total number ranked 4 for this year | number |
SPENDINGPERPUPILDESCRIPTION_1 | Spending Per Pupil Description by ID 1 | number |
SPENDINGPERPUPILDESCRIPTION_2 | Spending Per Pupil Description by ID 2 | number |
SPENDINGPERPUPILDESCRIPTION_3 | Spending Per Pupil Description by ID 3 | number |
SPENDINGPERPUPILDESCRIPTION_4 | Spending Per Pupil Description by ID 4 | number |
SPENDINGPERPUPIL_1 | Amount Spent Per Pupil ($US) by ID 1 | number |
SPENDINGPERPUPIL_2 | Amount Spent Per Pupil ($US) by ID 2 | number |
SPENDINGPERPUPIL_3 | Amount Spent Per Pupil ($US) by ID 3 | number |
SPENDINGPERPUPIL_4 | Amount Spent Per Pupil ($US) by ID 4 | number |
Hashvalue | Record hash value, updated hashvalue indicates if the record changed | varchar |
ModificationTimestamp | When the record was updated | DateTime |
Field Name | Field Description | Data Type |
FIPS_STATE | The two-digit FIPS STATE code(KEY CONSTRAINT) | varchar |
FIPS_LEAID | LEA (district) NameKEY CONSTRAINT) | varchar |
FIPS_SCHOOLID | Five digit NCES LEA code. Private schools are tagged with LEAID '99999'KEY CONSTRAINT) | varchar |
NUMSTARS | A 1-5 star ranking assigned by the reviewer | number |
SUBMITTEDDATE | Date this review was submitted by the reviewer | Date |
SUBMITTER | A description of the reviewer (parent student etc) | varchar |
COMMENT | Comment left by reviewer (optional) | varchar |
Hashvalue | Record hash value, updated hashvalue indicates if the record changed | varchar |
ModificationTimestamp | When the record was updated | DateTime |
Field Name | Field Description | Data Type |
FIPS_STATE | The two-digit FIPS STATE code(KEY CONSTRAINT) | varchar |
FIPS_LEAID | LEA (district) NameKEY CONSTRAINT) | varchar |
FIPS_SCHOOLID | Five digit NCES LEA code. Private schools are tagged with LEAID '99999'KEY CONSTRAINT) | varchar |
YEARTEST | School test year (2014 = 2013-14) | number |
TESTID | Test ID | number |
SUBJECTID | Subject ID | number |
TESTNAME | State test system name | varchar |
SUBJECTNAME | Subject Name | varchar |
GRADEID | Grade ID | number |
GRADE | Grade Description | varchar |
STUDENTSTESTED | Number of students tested | number |
STUDENTSELIGIBLE | Number of students eligible for testing | number |
PERCENTMETSTANDARD | Percent of Students That Met the State Standard | float |
COUNTMETSTANDARD | Count of Students That Met the State Standard | float |
MODIFIEDPERCENTMETSTANDARD | Percent Met Standard accommodating for states that only supply ranges. Almost always the same as PercentMetStandard unless there's a range being specified (i.e. > 95.0 or < 5.0) | float |
PERCENTLEVEL1 | Percent Performing at Level 1. | varchar |
PERCENTLEVEL2 | Percent Performing at Level 2. | varchar |
PERCENTLEVEL3 | Percent Performing at Level 3. | varchar |
PERCENTLEVEL4 | Percent Performing at Level 4. | varchar |
PERCENTLEVEL5 | Percent Performing at Level 5. | varchar |
COUNTLEVEL1 | Count of Students Performing at Level x. | varchar |
COUNTLEVEL2 | Count of Students Performing at Level x. | varchar |
COUNTLEVEL3 | Count of Students Performing at Level x. | varchar |
COUNTLEVEL4 | Count of Students Performing at Level x. | varchar |
COUNTLEVEL5 | Count of Students Performing at Level x. | varchar |
Hashvalue | Record hash value, updated hashvalue indicates if the record changed | varchar |
ModificationTimestamp | When the record was updated | DateTime |