Loan Originator Analytics Layout

Field Name Field Description Data Type
SourceTransactionID The unique transaction by Source identifier for the transaction. varchar
SourceID Source Data's Unique parcel identifier. varchar
LoanOfficerName The name of the licensed loan officer appearing on the recorded deed per the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System database, if any. varchar
LoanOfficerNMLSID The numeric ID of the licensed loan officer appearing on the recorded deed per the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System database, if any. varchar
LoanBrokerName The name of the licensed loan broker appearing on the recorded deed per the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System database, if any. varchar
LoanBrokerNMLSID The numeric ID of the licensed loan broker appearing on the recorded deed per the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System database, if any. varchar
LoanLenderName The name of the licensed loan lender appearing on the recorded deed per the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System database. varchar
LoanLenderNMLSID The numeric ID of the licensed loan lender appearing on the recorded deed per the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System database. varchar
DocumentTypeCode Code identifying the type of document; grant deed, quit claim, etc. varchar
DocumentTypeCodeDescription Description of Document code. varchar
RecordingDate Recordng date on document/instrument for the latest ownership change transaction. varchar
TransactionType Place holder for future field. Currently, not populated. varchar
TransferInfoPurchaseTypeCode For resale transactions, defines the type of resale; construction, subdivision, etc. varchar
ForeclosureAuctionSale Indicates that the transaction was the result of a foreclosure auction. varchar
TransferInfoDistressCircumstanceCode Soure Data derived distress scenario. varchar
QuitclaimFlag Indicates that the transaction is a Quit Claim. varchar
TransferInfoMultiParcelFlag Flag used to indicate a multiple parcel transaction. varchar
TransferAmount Sale Price varchar
TransferAmountInfoAccuracy Details the type of transaction represented by the document. varchar
Grantor1NameFull Full name of the first seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor1NameFirst First name of the first seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor1NameMiddle Middle name or middle initial of the first seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor1NameLast Last name of the first seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor1NameSuffix Suffix (Jr, III, etc.) of the first seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor1InfoEntityClassification Derived field describing what type of entity the party is based on examination of the name and vesting. Sample values include individual / trust / company. varchar
Grantor1InfoOwnerType Owner relationship type, i.e. married man, beneficiary, etc. varchar
Grantor2NameFull Full name of the second seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor2NameFirst First name of the second seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor2NameMiddle Middle name or middle initial of the second seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor2NameLast Last name of the second seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor2NameSuffix Suffix (Jr, III, etc.) of the second seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor2InfoEntityClassification Derived field describing what type of entity the party is based on examination of the name and vesting. Sample values include individual / trust / company. varchar
Grantor2InfoOwnerType Owner relationship type, i.e. married man, beneficiary, etc. varchar
Grantor3NameFull Full name of the third seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor3NameFirst First name of the third seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor3NameMiddle Middle name or middle initial of the third seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor3NameLast Last name of the third seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor3NameSuffix Suffix (Jr, III, etc.) of the third seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor3InfoEntityClassification Derived field describing what type of entity the party is based on examination of the name and vesting. Sample values include individual / trust / company. varchar
Grantor4NameFull Full name of the fourth seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor4NameFirst First name of the fourth seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor4NameMiddle Middle name or middle initial of the fourth seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor4NameLast Last name of the fourth seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor4NameSuffix Suffix (Jr, III, etc.) of the fourth seller listed on the deed. varchar
Grantor4InfoEntityClassification Derived field describing what type of entity the party is based on examination of the name and vesting. Sample values include individual / trust / company. varchar
Grantee1NameFull Full name of the first individual on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee1NameFirst First name of the first individual on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee1NameMiddle Middle name or middle initial of the first individual listed on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee1NameLast Last name of the first buyer listed on the recorded document. If name is a company, the name will be present in this field. varchar
Grantee1NameSuffix Suffix of the first individual listed on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee1InfoEntityClassification Derived field describing the type of entity based on examination of the name and vesting. varchar
Grantee1InfoOwnerType Owner relationship type, i.e. married man, beneficiary, etc. varchar
Grantee2NameFull Full name of the second individual on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee2NameFirst First name of the second individual on the recorded document. Left blank if entity is not defined as an individual. varchar
Grantee2NameMiddle Middle name or middle initial of the second individual listed on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee2NameLast Last name of the second individual listed on the recorded document. If the entity is not an individual, will contain the full entity name. varchar
Grantee2NameSuffix Suffix of the second buyer listed on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee2InfoEntityClassification Derived field describing the type of entity based on examination of the name and vesting. varchar
Grantee3NameFull Full name of the third individual on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee3NameFirst First name of the third individual on the recorded document. Left blank if entity is not defined as an individual. varchar
Grantee3NameMiddle Middle name or middle initial of the third individual listed on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee3NameLast Last name of the third individual listed on the recorded document. If the entity is not an individual, will contain the full entity name. varchar
Grantee3NameSuffix Suffix of the third individual listed on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee3InfoEntityClassification Derived field describing the type of entity based on examination of the name and vesting. varchar
Grantee4NameFull Full name of the fourth individual on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee4NameFirst First name of the fourth individual on the recorded document. Left blank if entity is not defined as an individual. varchar
Grantee4NameMiddle Middle name or middle initial of the fourth individual listed on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee4NameLast Last name of the fourth individual listed on the recorded document. If the entity is not an individual, will contain the full entity name. varchar
Grantee4NameSuffix Suffix of the fourth individual listed on the recorded document. varchar
Grantee4InfoEntityClassification Derived field describing the type of entity based on examination of the name and vesting. varchar
GranteeInvestorFlag Non-lending entity with more than 10 purchases in 12 months varchar
TitleCompanyStandardizedCode Standard code identifying the title company. varchar
TitleCompanyStandardizedName Standardized name of the title company. varchar
TitleCompanyRaw Name of the title company as keyed. Name is not standardized. varchar
APNFormatted Primary Parcel Number varchar
APNOriginal Legacy Parcel - Depricated - No longer supported. varchar
PropertyAddressFull Full standardized subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressHouseNumber House number and fraction segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressStreetDirection Street direction segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressStreetName Street name segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressStreetSuffix Street suffix segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressStreetPostDirection Street post direction segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressUnitPrefix Unit prefix segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressUnitValue Unit value segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressCity City segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressState Two character State segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressZIP Five Digit ZIP Code segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressZIP4 ZIP-4 segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressCRRT Carrier route segment of the subject property address. varchar
PropertyAddressInfoFormat Standard U.S., PO Box, Rural Route, etc varchar
PropertyUseGroup General property type description; residential, commercial, industrial, etc. varchar
Mortgage1RecordingDate The recording date referenced/stamped on the 1st mortgage/deed of trust. varchar
Mortgage1Type Loan Type on the 1st mortgage/deed of trust - See Technical Details tab. varchar
Mortgage1Amount Loan Amount for the 1st mortgage/deed of trust. varchar
Mortgage1LenderInfoEntityClassification Not Supported varchar
Mortgage1LenderInfoSellerCarryBackFlag An indicator whether a seller is the lender on this particular loan. varchar
Mortgage1Term The term/duration of the loan. Refer to Mortgage1TermType for the term unit. varchar
Mortgage1TermType Indicates the term type (month, year) of the mortgage term indicated in Mortgage1Term. varchar
Mortgage1TermDate The date the loan represented on Mortgage1DocumentNumberFormatted is due varchar
Mortgage1InfoPrepaymentPenaltyFlag Flag to indicate if the loan terms includes pre-payment penalty. varchar
Mortgage1InfoPrepaymentTerm The number of months that the originated loan must remain active. If the loan is paid off early, the borrower will pay a prepayment penalty. Always expressed in months: 12, 18, 24, 36 are the most common. varchar
Mortgage1InterestRateType When available will indicate the type of interest rate terms for the concurrent Deed of Trust. Left blank if unknown. varchar
Mortgage1InterestRate Interest rate for the loan related to Mortgage1DocumentNumber float
Mortgage1InterestTypeInitial Indicates the initial state of the interest rate on the loan is fixed or adjustable. varchar
Mortgage1FixedStepConversionRate The rate to which the interest will change in a fixed step conversion mortgage. float
Mortgage1DocumentInfoRiderAdjustableRateFlag Flag to indicate if an adjustable rate rider was part of the document. varchar
Mortgage1InfoInterestTypeChangeYear The year the loan converts from fixed rate to adjustable rate. Month and day of the conversion, if known, are housed in separate fields. varchar
Mortgage1InfoInterestTypeChangeMonth The month the loan converts from fixed rate to adjustable rate. Year and day of the conversion, if known, are housed in separate fields. varchar
Mortgage1InfoInterestTypeChangeDay The day of the month the loan converts from fixed rate to adjustable rate. Month and year of the conversion, if known, are housed in separate fields. varchar
Mortgage1InterestRateMinFirstChangeRateConversion Applies only to adjustable rate loans. The minimum interest rate allowed on the first change date (date when loan switched from a fixed to an adjustable interest rate) float
Mortgage1InterestRateMaxFirstChangeRateConversion Applies only to adjustable rate loans. The maximum interest rate allowed on the first change date (date when loan switched from a fixed to an adjustable interest rate) float
Mortgage1InterestChangeFrequency The time defined between interest rate resets in an adjustable rate loan varchar
Mortgage1InterestMargin A fixed percentage rate that is added to an index value to determine the fully indexed interest rate of an adjustable rate mortgage varchar
Mortgage1InterestIndex The benchmark interest rate an adjustable-rate mortgage's fully indexed interest rate is based on varchar
Mortgage1InterestRateMax Applies to adjustable rate loans. The maximum interest rate allowed for the loan. varchar
Mortgage1AdjustableRateIndex The benchmark interest rate to which an adjustable rate mortgage is tied varchar
Mortgage1InterestOnlyFlag Flag to indicate if the loan has an interest only period. No longer supported. varchar
Mortgage1InterestOnlyPeriod If available, the actual length of interest only period in years. varchar
Mortgage2RecordingDate Contains the official filing date for the transaction that is normally stamped or printed on the document. varchar
Mortgage2Type Loan Type on the 2nd mortgage/deed of trust. varchar
Mortgage2Amount Indicates the loan amount, as present on the deed of trust, for the loan represented by Mortgage1DocumentNumberFormatted on the transaction. varchar
Mortgage2LenderInfoEntityClassification Not Supported varchar
Mortgage2LenderInfoSellerCarryBackFlag An indicator whether a seller is the lender on this particular loan. varchar
Mortgage2Term The term/duration of the loan. Refer to Mortgage2TermType for the term unit varchar
Mortgage2TermType Indicates the term type (month, year) of the mortgage term indicated in Mortgage2Term varchar
Mortgage2TermDate The date the loan represented on Mortgage2DocumentNumberFormatted is due. varchar
Mortgage2InfoPrepaymentPenaltyFlag Flag to indicate if the loan terms includes pre-payment penalty. varchar
Mortgage2InfoPrepaymentTerm The number of months that the originated loan must remain active. If the loan is paid off early, the borrower will pay a prepayment penalty. Always expressed in months: 12, 18, 24, 36 are the most common. varchar
Mortgage2InterestRateType When available will indicate the type of interest rate terms for the concurrent Deed of Trust. Left blank if unknown. varchar
Mortgage2InterestRate Interest rate for the loan related to Mortgage2DocumentNumber varchar
Mortgage2InterestTypeInitial Indicates the initial state of the interest rate on the loan is fixed or adjustable. varchar
Mortgage2FixedStepConversionRate The rate to which the interest will change in a fixed step conversion mortgage. varchar
Mortgage2DocumentInfoRiderAdjustableRateFlag Flag to indicate if an adjustable rate rider was part of the document. varchar
Mortgage2InfoInterestTypeChangeYear The year the loan converts from fixed rate to adjustable rate. Month and day of the conversion, if known, are housed in separate fields. varchar
Mortgage2InfoInterestTypeChangeMonth The month the loan converts from fixed rate to adjustable rate. Year and day of the conversion, if known, are housed in separate fields. varchar
Mortgage2InfoInterestTypeChangeDay The day of the month the loan converts from fixed rate to adjustable rate. Month and year of the conversion, if known, are housed in separate fields. varchar
Mortgage2InterestRateMinFirstChangeRateConversion Applies only to adjustable rate loans. The minimum interest rate allowed on the first change date (date when loan switched from a fixed to an adjustable interest rate) varchar
Mortgage2InterestRateMaxFirstChangeRateConversion Applies only to adjustable rate loans. The maximum interest rate allowed on the first change date (date when loan switched from a fixed to an adjustable interest rate) varchar
Mortgage2InterestChangeFrequency The time defined between interest rate resets in an adjustable rate loan. varchar
Mortgage2InterestMargin A fixed percentage rate that is added to an index value to determine the fully indexed interest rate of an adjustable rate mortgage. varchar
Mortgage2InterestIndex The benchmark interest rate an adjustable-rate mortgage's fully indexed interest rate is based on. varchar
Mortgage2InterestRateMax Applies to adjustable rate loans. The maximum interest rate allowed for the loan. varchar
Mortgage2AdjustableRateIndex The benchmark interest rate to which an adjustable rate mortgage is tied. varchar
Mortgage2InterestOnlyFlag Flag to indicate if the loan has an interest only period. No longer supported. varchar
Mortgage2InterestOnlyPeriod If available, the actual length of interest only period in years. varchar
TransferInfoPurchaseDownPayment Derived field showing the estimated downpayment made at the time of purchase. varchar
TransferInfoPurchaseLoanToValue Derived field showing the estimated loan to value at the time of purchase varchar
LastUpdated Date on which this record was updated due to a correction within any of the fields and/or update to the same. varchar
PublicationDate Date the output data file was created varchar
SitusStateCountyFIPS SitusStateCountyFIPS refers to the county-level identifiers used for organizing property data based on geographical location. These identifiers include the state, county, and FIPS code. varchar
MSAName MSANAME refers to the name of identified Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). These areas are used for geographical categorization and analysis. varchar
MSACode An MSA Code refers to a unique identifier for Metropolitan Statistical Areas. These codes help categorize urban regions for geographical and demographic analysis1 varchar
LoanPurposeCodePosition1 Represents a numerical code indicating the specific purpose of the loan (e.g., purchase, refinance, or home equity) within the property context. varchar
LoanPurposeDescPosition1 Represents a numerical code indicating the specific purpose of the loan (e.g., purchase, refinance, or home equity) within the property context. Example "Purchase Money Mortgage”. varchar
LoanPurposeCodePosition2 Represents a numerical code indicating the specific purpose of the loan (e.g., purchase, refinance, or home equity) within the property context. varchar
LoanPurposeDescPosition2 Represents a numerical code indicating the specific purpose of the loan (e.g., purchase, refinance, or home equity) within the property context. Example "Purchase Money Mortgage”. varchar
HashValue varchar
ModificationTimestamp Timestamp
PublicationDate Timestamp
CID varchar
Full Detail information Confidential. Not for Distribution.